Loan Products to Finance Your Growth and Success

Auto Loan

Individuals can access this loan, to finance the purchase of a new or used motor vehicle.

Personal Loan

Individuals can access this loan for any legal purpose without collateral.

Debt Consolidation Loan

Individuals can access this loan, to consolidate other credit facilities.

Eco Loan

Individuals can access this loan for the purchase of solar water heaters and inverter products.

Education Loan

Individuals can access this loan, to finance school fees, supplies, tuition fees and other school related expenses.

Payday Loan

Individuals can access up to 50% of net salary for personal or emergency purposes.

Secured Loan

Individuals can access this loan for any legal purpose.

Utility Bills Loan

Individuals can access this loan, to consolidate utilities and other small bills.

Medical Loan

Individuals can access this loan, to pay for medical emergencies and surgeries.